Pimavanserin for Behavioral Inflexibility

We are currently enrolling young adults and adolescents with ASD for a research study. To be enrolled in the study, you or your child must meet additional screening criteria which will require a visit to our site at the KU Medical Center.

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The BRAIN Lab is recruiting individuals with autism 16- 40 years of age to participate in our study.

The purpose of this study is to test an investigational medicine called pimavanserin for potential benefit on inflexible thinking or rigid-compulsive behavior in adolescents and adults with autism spectrum disorder or ASD. Pimavanserin is experimental, which means that it is being tested and is not approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration, abbreviated 'FDA', for this purpose. Pimavanserin has been approved by the FDA for the treatment of hallucinations and delusions associated with Parkinson's disease. Your participation is expected to last approximately 10 weeks, with a follow-up one week after the last dose. During that time, you will have about 5 study visits to the clinic, with each visit lasting up to 6 hours, and a follow up phone call a week after your last visit to the clinic. If you want to stop participating or the investigators, physicians, or sponsors decide to withdraw you from this study, the study team will conduct an early termination visit which will last approximately 1 hour. The length of time you are in this study and number of study visits depends on your response to the study drug regimen. It may last up to 3 months or more. Instead of the experimental drug, you may be randomized during certain parts of the study to receive a placebo or 'dummy drug' which is used to compare results to the experimental drug.

You will receive $50 per completed visit, and up to $50 per visit for study-related expenses such as travel and parking. If you leave the study early, you will be reimbursed only for visits you complete. You will be reimbursed with a ClinCard at the completion of each study visit, which works like a pre-paid debit card.

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